Speaking & Media

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Presented on “Climate Change and International Security” for the Army War College’s Lectures in Transnational Security Issues, with Dr. Jessica Seddon of the World Resources Institute.

March 8, 2021

RECESS Summit (Resources Competition, Environmental Security and Stabilization)

January 2021

Andrea was a key member of the RECESS Summit Planning Committee and led the interactive portion of the conference to determine how RECESS can better coordinate and support DoD efforts, explored top initiatives for RECESS in the future, and how RECESS can improve coordination with the interagency.  Delivered remarks on “Environmental Security in Military Education and Doctrine.”

America Adapts Podcast

Fundamentals of National Security and Climate Change with Commander Andrea Cameron.

December 14, 2020


What to Expect at USNWC's National Security Significance of a Changing Climate Conference.

Andrea Cameron walks us through the upcoming conference on national security and the economic implications of climate change. She introduces us to the speakers, such as Hon. Alice Hill, and the topics of panel discussion, such as power competition, fragile states, defense budget, infrastructure, and US & international efforts to develop a ‘Blue Economy.


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Environmental Security Summit: Health of the Planet, Security of its Nations

Main Session Panelist: Health, Policy, and Security

National Intelligence University in association with the Environmental Security Working Group, September 2020


Paris to Pittsburg to New England: Climate Change Community Action

Panelist: Climate Change, the Military, and New England


The Threat to the Navy from Rising Seas

PBS - White House Chronicle

2018 - Episode 10048

Humanitarian Operations with CDR Andrea Cameron

CIMSEC Sea Control Podcast, episode 144